Once again the leaves are turning and we're dusting off the dog carts, scooters and ourselves! It's amazing how it seems as though everyone including me forgets so much over the three months of summer vacation. This fall has been especially challenging for me due to the fact that we have a total of eight new dogs in the kennel. I have never had such a large number of newbies at one time. Five of the dogs just arrived here two weeks ago and I really have no idea how much training they have had in the past. They were given to me by someone wanting to place them as a group. They do seem to enjoy running but are pretty out of shape. We'll see how they come along as we begin to run more. I also have two young dogs with us this fall who have never run in a team before. They are; shall we say a "little" crazy. They do seem to be figuring it out though and their energy will be appreciated once they learn to point it in the right direction! These two pictures are of Thunder and Prescott. They are the two young dogs from Ontario. They're actually from the same kennel as our puppy Pacem who is not as much of a puppy any more at eight months old. I'll attempt to get more pictures of the rest of the new gang if I can ever get them to sit still long enough for the camera to capture them.

Prescott is no longer a gangly teenager. He looks beautiful! The Momentum food is obviously working well for them. Look forward to seeing these guys again in person.
Curly and Jasper send a big Hello to their brothers!
Those are some handsome animals. Good luck with the training. I enjoy reading about your sledding experiences so much. Thanks for taking the time to share something that I'll probably never have a real opportunity to experience.
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