Early December. So much for the best laid plans. The temporary bridge idea did not pan out so well. We spent the better part of a day working in thirty five degree drizzle building a twenty foot bridge over the steam that is a quarter mile up the tour trail. A week later we had enough snow to run the dogs on the trail for the first time. We hooked up small six dog teams to keep things a little more sane for a first run. All went well until we arrived at the new bridge crossing. The angle from the trail onto the bridge was too sharp to drive even a six dog team around. I went first with my employee following. I was able to get my team onto the bridge but they then jumped into the stream which is only about six inches deep to get themselves a drink. I pulled them back onto the bridge and jumped back on the sled at which point they jumped back into the stream. We repeated this about three times until we finally made it to the other side of the bridge. At this point I new the second sled was going to have just as much or more trouble than I did. I put my snow hook into the ground to hold my sled and team and broke rule # 2 of dogsledding. I walked back behind my team to help her across the bridge. I had just gotten back there when I looked up and saw my dogs running down the trail without me! Damn; I really should know better. If you are in front of your team and they pull the snow hook loose you at least have a chance of grabbing them as the go by. If you are behind the sled even five feet there’s no way you will catch them.
I went into controlled panic mode. The dogs had never run this trail before and had no idea where they were going. There was a loop turn around at two and a half miles out but the trail also continued and split in several locations. One would take them all the way over the top of
I managed to get the second sled across the bridge and had my employee jump in the sled so I could drive and we took off after the second team. I knew there was very little chance of us catching them but couldn’t think of any other option at the time. The first team had a empty sled which meant they were flying along the trail. We had two people in the sled and a team with less power. I ran and pushed the sled up every hill to keep us going as fast as possible. I am in pretty good shape from cycling, hiking and other outdoor activities but running and pushing at this pace sure had my heart rate way up there. I probably had a little adrenaline running through my veins as well..
I drove on and every corner we rounded I hoped for a sign of the team but saw nothing but foot prints in the snow. We were about a quarter of a mile from the turn around where I would have had to stop because the rest of the trail was not packed and the loaded sled would have bogged down when I heard some screaming and barking in the distance. Siberians can make these sounds when they are excited to run or when they are hurt so I was still very worried but at least we were getting close. We came around the next corner and there they were in the middle of the trail screaming to go. The snow hook which was out of the sled had caught one of the two tines on something in the ground on a slight uphill and it had stopped the team. I was SO relieved! I jumped off of the second sled and grabbed my team while my employee took over on the second sled. We turned both teams around for a fairly calm run back. We again had trouble with the bridge and both of us tipped out sleds over trying to make it around the sharp corners. At last we made it back to where we started and loaded the dogs back in the truck.
Back to the drawing board; obviously this bridge situation was not going to work. More panic; it was about two weeks before I would have tours starting and I basically had no trail to run on.
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